Clunky interface, terribly glitchy, and local multiplayer controls are unintuitive.
The game itself is really fun, but dont expect to finish every game you start. There is a very real risk of events occurring that the game doesnt know how to handle, triggering a freeze or an event loop. Ive only played four games, but while I restarted two in the first wave to check out other divisions, the other two crashed in the last wave.
Im hesitant to give a game as buggy and clunky as this one a rating higher than 1 or 2 stars, but honestly there is a great game lurking under those several aggravating layers, and I cant help but try and finish a game despite them. Bugs aside, the game has a rather high-quality look to it, and I can tell that a lot of effort has gone into making the game look (and in many cases even feel) good. With a considerable amount of debugging, I could easily see XenoShyft becoming a favorite multiplayer iPad game of mine. Though it just isnt yet in that state, Id love to come back and give a more favorable review when this product has had some of the more problematic issues ironed out!