Great fun overcoming the challenge!
I am unsure why players are complaining over difficulty (solo play) since I cant imagine the game having longevity if you could beat it a good percentage of the time.
For solo play, you must be sure to utilize the different skills of your division as the rounds increase since the number of division abilities climbs as the difficulty does. However they kick off a single card which is sometimes hard to remember to use.
My recommendation is to use the science lab. The second ability allows you to do two damage every time you play a science card which is ridiculous.
If any other readers are wanting a leg up, purchase the grafting lab add on. Your first round survival rate is greatly increased with cards like the arm blade which does one auto damage at the beginning of every fight. I beat hard with no damage to my base with Grafting on the first try after a few normal Grafting games.
I have defeated hard with Science Lab as well. Although my base only had 4 of 15 hp left.
Highly recommended.
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